Here are some pages I have produced in my second journal.
This page started with a lilac acrylic paint background. I wrote on it diagonally and added the border with a blue Sharpie pen. I then laid some stencils over it and sprayed it with Glimmer Mist. Once dry, I highlighted the stencil shapes by drawing around them with a green Sakura Souffle Pen.
The next pages had a yellow acrylic paint background with patches of black paint added on top of it. I drew around two stencils (bought at the Tate) with Sharpie pens and a gold gel pen. I then wrote my piece and added further colour using water soluble oil pastels.
The third set of pages started with an acrylic paint background upon which I wrote all the addresses of the places I have lived. Having added some colour using water soluble oil pastels, I then painted rough blocks of white and black gesso over them to make them unreadable. Once this had dried I wrote some comments, diagonally, about those places. More colour with the oil pastels, and finally some odd references with black Sharpie.
Last but not least, these pages focus on craft! Again, they started with a acrylic paint background, green and black this time. I wrote my journal in red Sharpie and underlined it in blue and black. I then added more colour using yellow and red water soluble oil pastels.
P.S. I am writing this is between watching Tim Holtz on QVC!!! Looking forward to seeing Suze Weinberg this afternoon.