Monday, 4 July 2016

Phone Art!

I have discovered that I can create digital art on my phone, which I am loving! I need some more practise, but here are a few examples.

For the first piece, I used one of my own pictures with words and a frame from the app Rhonna Designs.

The second piece is a picture taken from a bus on a wet night, with a frame, geometric shape and words added from Rhonna Designs.

The third piece is two of my photos superimposed onto each other with a filter then applied, using the Diana Photo app. I then added the frame, shapes and words from Rhonna Designs.


sheila 77 said...

I am amazed - these are terrific. And with a phone!!!
These are all great - a photo from the bus turns into an fascinating abstract and the third one has such intense colours and intriguing picture.

johanna said...

how COOL are These??! all three of them are fantastic, i couldn´t choose a favorite. now i wish i had a Smartphone;) i´m a dinosaur with a mobile i almost never use and i really can only phone with it.