Tuesday, 23 December 2014

My Documented Life - weeks 45, 46 & 47

I'm very behind, but trying to catch up!
The instruction for week 45 was to add a tab to the page.

 For week 46, the prompt was to incorporate fabric into the page.

 The prompt for week 47 was to add a map to the page and document something about it.


K J D said...

You are almost caught up!

Great pages to look back on....

Karen x

Connie said...

Hi Jackie,
I have been missing out
by not visiting more often.
I love your daily journal :)
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♥:♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥:
Here's wishing you and
lovely Christmas.
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)

Craftychris said...

Brilliant pages! Merry Christmas- have a fab time and thank you for all your support! Huge Christmas hugs, Christine xxxxx