Sunday, 31 January 2010

Phrenology postcard

Phrenology is the topic at Sunday Postcard Art this week. Well, to be honest, I had only a vague idea what it is, so I looked it up. The Chambers Dictionary defines it as the "would be science of mental faculties supposed to be located in various parts of the skull and investigable by feeling the bumps on the outside of the head." I think I share their scepticism! Anyway, here's the piece I created.

Credits: Maya of Scrapbookgraphics

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Fascinating fish

It's amazing what you can create when you are just playing around! Perhaps that's the best way; don't think too much and let the art flow.

Credits: Ruby Rynne.

Itinerary Five

The instruction from Art Journal Caravan this week was to explore the idea of 'you', but keeping it simple. To start, here are the pages I created for my journal:

I painted an acrylic background, pasted on some bits of text and then gessoed over the pages. For the rest, I used felt-tipped and gel pens.

In contrast to the pages above, here is the digital page I created. As you can see, I concentrated on the verb of the week 'simplify'.

Friday, 29 January 2010

I decided to go zany this week! This piece was created for both the Art Creations Friday (ACF) and the Theme Thursday challenges this week.  ACF provided a black & white picture of the lady with the umbrella. I coloured her, gave her a red umbrella and the basket with the imp in it and then added the busy (Theme Thursday's challenge) and colourful background. Hope you like it!

Credits: Ruby Rynne

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

To travel hopefully ...

'Quote or quip' is the theme from the Three Muses this week. I went with Robert Louis Stevenson, "to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive."

Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Here is a little digital collage I created recently using elements from Ruby Rynne. I'm more of a dog person than a cat person, but I do like the poise of this cat!

Monday, 25 January 2010

As well as my Art Journal Caravan journal (AJC) (see previous posts), I have decided to also have another journal on the go. This way I can keep the weekly themes provided by AJC together whilst experimenting in the second book. Here are the first (very different) pages from my second journal. Double click on them to see the details.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Dans ma maison il y a ... une cle

In my house there is a key.

For the bottom of the house I applied old gold Ferro texture paste and stamped into it with a PaperArtsy stamp. Once dry I swiped olive metallic paint over it. Then I added the key. I glued on the music paper using matte medium and this gave me the idea for the play on words; in tune... in key.... so, I wrote those phrases onto the piece and then added the embellishments. The large dots are acrylic paint with gel pen dots added on top.


Here is my piece for Sunday Postcard Art where, if you hadn't guessed, the theme is time.

Elements courtesy of StudioTangie & Ruby Rynne

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Itinerary four

Here is my painted journal page for week four, using the same themes of 'play' and 'being free'. Art Journal Caravan suggested we look at the journals of Traci Bautista. She uses a lot of fabric and very bright colours. Mine is all paint, but I added some faux stitching to give the impression of fabric. I hope I was daring enough! I have to say, this is may favourite page.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Itinerary 4 digital

This is my digital piece for week four of Art Journal Caravan. The theme is 'play' or 'let go', hence the very bright colours. They are not ones I would normally choose to put together, but I have to admit I rather like the vibrant effect. I think I am going to have to be brave when I create my painted piece!

Elements by StudioTangie.

Discriminating and purposeful

This week, unlike previously, Art Creations Friday provided two images for their challenge, a background and an old photo of a little girl.

I altered the photo very little, just giving it rough edges but I have altered the background quite a lot, though quite subtly, to integrate the photo into it. I thought the little girl looked very discerning, hence the words! Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Something in the air

Something in the air is the challenge from the Three Muses this week and this is my interpretation of the theme. I'm looking forward to seeing what others have created.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Itinerary Three

It is week three of Art Journal Caravan and these are the pages I have produced. I have used their theme of 'mend' only very loosely, tying it in with 'shades of grey' as this is what I am thinking about at the moment in relation to my painting and mixed media course. I used various colours of acrylic paint mixed together to try and achieve different grey hues. I then used magenta and yellow ochre through sequin waste to give the patterns.


Eyes is the theme from Sunday Postcard Art this week. This is my contribution.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

My first twinchie

I had some 2 x 2 inch chipboard squares lying around, so I decided to make my first twinchie. I used some papers from a magazine, a rub-on, a Tim Holtz doodad and a copper Krylon pen for the edges.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Itinerary 3 - digital

This is my digital collage for Art Journal Caravan itinerary 3. The theme is mending, creating things from scraps and not missing the obvious. I'm not sure the quote I have chosen completely fits, but I think it is very powerful nevertheless!

Art Creations Friday 57

ACF provided the image of the little girl holding the bird for our creations this week.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


This piece was created for the Three Muses' challenge 'water'. It is actually a photo of my sister's that I have digitally altered.

Sunday, 10 January 2010


I've been playing around with quotes on vector layers, that is quotes that have no background, so they can be added to other images. Here is one example that I have then developed a collage around. Don't know what you think, but I think the collage complements the words of Vincent well. Double click on the image to see the details.

Elements courtesy of StudioTangie.


The challenge at Sunday Postcard Art today is 'windows'. I decided to revamp a digital collage I created in September (click HERE to compare). Hope you like it. The view is a photo I took in Cambridgeshire a couple of years ago.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Itinerary Two

This is the second week of my Art Journal Caravan journey and here are the pages I have created:

In contrast, here is a digital piece on the same theme and using some of the same elements.


I have already mentioned that I am starting an art journal, with the aid of Art Journal Caravan (AJC). I am intending that my journal will be mixed media, but AJC also provides a 'pack' of digital elements one can use. So, not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, here is a collage a created using some of those elements.

Life is the art ....

Wake up in Paris

The challenge from Theme Thursday this week is 'Paris', which is where my husband & I spent our honeymoon. I haven't been there for a few years now, but it is a delightful city with so much to see. Hopefully, my digital collage celebrates that!

Friday, 8 January 2010

Lady in Waiting

Here is my entry for the challenge from Art Creations Friday this week.

Thursday, 7 January 2010


Another digital creation; elements courtesy of StudioTangie.

I'm still reflecting on how much I agree with George Bernard Shaw's statement!

The Three Muses' Challenge - angels

This a digital collage that I created for The Three Muses' challenge this week.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Top hat & tails

That is the challenge from Sunday Postcard Art this week. This is my quirky, colourful digital creation, which seems to fit with new year celebrations.

Credits to iTkUpiLLi and Studio Tangie for the elements used.

My art journal

I have joined the Art Journal Caravan (see link on the right). They provide weekly prompts to create an art journal. One of the ideas this week was to think of a word to inspire one during 2010. After some deliberation, I chose 'grow'.

Here are the pages in greater detail:

Unfortunately, the pictures do not quite do justice to the real thing; the pages are a bit more turquoise in real life.